Our PSHE/ RSE/ SMSC/ British Values Vision

At St Thomas’ Leesfield, we aim to ensure that Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) as well as Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) education enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. To help them understand and tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.

All our children are encouraged to be effective and successful learners, make and sustain friendships and deal with and resolve conflicts effectively and fairly. They will be able to solve problems and manage their emotions by having a calm and optimistic state of mind. They will have the resilience and perseverance to recover from set-backs and carry on with the challenges they may face. The children will work and play fairly and co-operatively. They will politely stand up for their rights and the rights of others. They will value and understand differences and show respect for everyone and everything. PSHE/SMSC/British Values and citizenship are planned programmes of learning opportunities and experiences that help children grow and develop as individuals and as members of the community.

External Link Icon The National Curriculum RSHE
External Link Icon St Thomas' Leesfield RSHE Policy

RSHE Policy and Consultation Process

Relationship and Sexual Health Education Policy RSE is now a statutory part of the National Curriculum and schools are required to have a policy on their principles and practices on the whole area of relationships and sex education. Schools are then required to consult with parents for their thoughts and opinions on the matter to inform future policies and decisions in this sensitive area. As a primary school the main part of our job is to promote healthy relationships between our children and others in all areas of their lives; ‘The focus in primary school should be on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults’. If you would like to contribute to the discussion in this area, please read the policy and the letter from Mrs Glynn. Thank you.

Click to Download Relationships Education Relationships and Sex Education RSE and Health Education 2020 [pdf 577KB] Click to Download


In order for children to recognise the importance of these attributes, our Always Badge (Positive Behaviour Management) system is a clear and positive pathway that underpins the Christian Values of our school.  At the beginning of the school year, each year group devises their class rules (which are age-appropriate and are a maximum of ten) and these are based on three core values – Safe, Ready and Respect.

The PSHE/SMSC/British Values curriculum is taught throughout school, during weekly or two-weekly topics each term as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. The Sticky Learning for these topics ensures the national curriculum aims and objectives are met. The Commando Joe programme of RESPECT (Resilience, excellence, self-awareness, passion, empathy, communication and teamwork) enables all Key Stage 2 children to work together to develop these essential life skills in a fun, motivational and modern weekly sessions.   We also have classes working on the Oldham Pledge (Reception, Y1, Y5 & Y6) which helps to build self-awareness and encourages our children to take an active part in our community through volunteering for example.  Every class has ‘Sticky Learning’ objectives that match the RSE/BV curriculum so that the teachers know what to teach in each topic, ensuring a broad coverage of the curriculum. This year we have also introduced the ‘Word Aware Programme’ which provides subject specific vocabulary for each topic. This is a focus on key vocabulary which helps to secure the children’s previous knowledge (Anchor Words), targets new vocabulary (Goldilocks Words) as well as more advanced words (Step-Up Words) to further challenge them in terms of improving vocabulary knowledge and usage.

The Christian Values are taught during half-termly collective worship/assembly themes on a rolling 3-yearly programme including: Peace, Love, Thankfulness, Perseverance, Humility etc.  The Y6 Peer Mentors are extremely valued and the ‘Worry Wellies’ and ‘Suggestion Socks’ in each class ensure children are listened to and problems are shared and dealt with. Classroom sessions will vary in form and content, but will all share the underlying principle of creating an open and honest class dialogue within a caring and respectful environment.

Learning will be constantly nurtured and reinforced by our high expectations. Our Wednesday Celebration Assembly is a regular opportunity to reward those who exhibit the good citizenship that St Thomas’ Leesfield seeks to encourage. Our other daily collective worship/assemblies are centred on the 18 Christian values which are taught half termly and support our PSHE/SMSMC/British Values vision.

Our school year features many opportunities to explore Personal, Social and Health Education as well as Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural themes. These include: work carried out in class for Internet Safety; Childline workshops; Residential visits for Year Six; half-termly assemblies run by the Groundbreakers team; regular School Council/Eco Committee and Ethos meetings; the nasal flu vaccinations for Reception Class up to Year Four; Girls and Boys Talk for Year Six; our various sporting teams and clubs (including a lunchtime nurture groups); the measurement of height and weight for pupils; and pupil eye tests. The charity work we undertake over the school year further explores what PSHE means for our Leesfield children. Our Reflection Areas also help to create a safe and calming area in which all children are welcomed should they feel the need to take time away from a busy classroom to collect their thoughts.

RSE Learning Journey

Please select the document below.

Click to Download RSE Learning Journey 2022-23 [pdf 222KB] Click to Download


At St Thomas’ Leesfield PSHE/SMSC and British Values provide opportunities to develop cross-curricular links with many other aspects of learning, and encourages children to learn and think for themselves. The needs of all children are met by differentiating their work, to enable them to be included in all learning. The use of success criteria ensures that children understand exactly what it is they need to do to progress their own learning.  We providing a rich and vibrant curriculum that excites children and encourages them to be dedicated to their learning and our school. Our children learn to keep thinking and exploring which will continue to guide them through later life experiences.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Curriculum

Click to Download Reception Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum [pdf 233KB] Click to Download
Click to Download Year 1 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum [pdf 184KB] Click to Download
Click to Download Year 2 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum [pdf 184KB] Click to Download
Click to Download Year 3 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum [pdf 168KB] Click to Download
Click to Download Year 4 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum [pdf 187KB] Click to Download
Click to Download Year 5 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum [pdf 187KB] Click to Download
Click to Download Year 6 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum [pdf 187KB] Click to Download

British Values at Our School

In each class, two areas of the fundamental British Values are taught per year so there is a two year cycle throughout our school. For example, Year 3 are taught 'Democracy' and 'Individual Liberty' whilst Year 4 are taught' Mutual Respect, Tolerance & Diversity' plus 'Rule of Law'. Please see our Long Term Plan (LTP) attachment. We follow a planned scheme of work devised by the 'Schools Linking Project' Central to each plan is an age-appropriate book. For example, 'Individual Liberty' is based on the book, 'Only One You' by Linda Kranz.

The programme of study (Schools Linking Project) helps :

  •  Foster understanding of Identity, Diversity, Community, Equality
  •  Develop social skills
  •  Support Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of pupils including British values
  •  Promotes achievement
  •  Learning to live in a changing and complex global world

Other examples of British Values in action within our school are developed by:

Democracy - strong school council, our children know that their voice is valued and listened to by adults in school.

Individual liberty - pupil’s awareness of their choice and freedoms in school and in their own life now and in the future.

Rule of law - make links to importance of school rules and values and that the law applies to everyone

Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs (and those without faith) identify , continue and build on existing good practice in collective worship, assemblies, RE topics ,other links to curriculum topics, circle time, relationships and lunchtime clubs.

Click to Download Long Term Plans - British Values [pdf 122KB] Click to Download


Within the early years this is all about making decisions together, it focusses heavenly on children’s self confidence and self awareness- linked to children’s PSHE

Our teachers support and encourage children to help them understand that their views count and that they should express them. By encouraging children to express their views it will teach children to values each others and talk about their feelings. With the older children there may be many occasions where children are encouraged to share their views for example when changing the home corner and role play area around the children are asked what they would like to see in there and this is achieved by asking them to put their hands up.

For the younger children teachers support decision making by providing activities that involve turn taking, sharing and collaboration. Children need to be given these opportunities as it will begin to develop their minds and help them understand about why decisions are made.

Rule of Law

Rule of Law is about understanding rules.  It focuses on managing children’s feelings and behaviour - Linked to children’s PSHE.

To help children manage their feelings and behaviours teachers help children understand their own and others behaviours, children need to learn to distinguish right from wrong. We ensure our behaviour management policy is being followed and is consistent; we also use 'Always Rules' in every class to reinforce certain behaviour.

For young children it can be hard to teach them about rules, but by being consistent with regards to our behaviour management policy children will begin to learn right from wrong. We also teach the topic theme 'People Who Help Us' this includes teaching children about the police and usually the police visit our school.

A great way to help children fully understanding about rules is to let them be involved in the process of creating the rules eg. rules about tidying up etc.

Individual Liberty

This is all about children’s freedom for all, it again focuses on children self-confidence and self-awareness as well as people and communities.

Children need to be encouraged to develop a positive sense of themselves, to help achieve this teachers provide opportunities to help children develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities. This is done by allowing children to take risks indoors and outdoors for example on a climbing frame outdoors, or by mixing colours with paint, an activity that allows children to take that risk will help build those confidence skills.

During every day practice we find time to have small discussions with children about how they feel about certain situations eg. moving on from Nursery to Reception and moving from Year 2 (infants KS1) to Year 3 (juniors KS2), this discussions allows children to explore the language of feelings and it gives opportunities for children to express themselves and understand that children have different opinions.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

This concentrates on treating others as you want to be treated; it focuses on people and communities, managing feelings and behaviour and making relationships.

We as teachers take responsibility to create an environment that is inclusive, it should respect and value views, faiths, cultures and races. 

It is also important that children are engaged with their wider community and that they are encouraged to take the time to look what is around them and actively get involved.  St Thomas' Leesfield also take part in the Community Cohesion/Linking Project where we are linked to another Oldham School.  Our two focus classes are Year 3 and Year 5.  We carry out visits together to celebrate our diversity including going to Gallery Oldham and Castleshaw where we can engage nd interact with each other in fun and stimulating environments.

Children should be encouraged to show respect for their own culture and of others, to help support this we learn about celebrations and traditions from different cultures, where appropriate we involve parents and grandparents. Joining in other cultural celebrations is a great way for children to learn and share other customs.

Counter Extremism

Extremism is not a new topic in education, but schools have a relatively new statutory duty to pay "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism".

In response to this challenging and serious new responsibility, LGfL has worked with leading extremism experts specialising in ISIS and the far right to provide information, insights and advice to help schools navigate this difficult area.